Saturday, September 1, 2007

Drink Eat Walk Repeat

That is what my day was like today :) I met a 3 day friend this morning to attempt our 18 miler. I have to admit it wasnt has hard as I thought. We started around 8am, and finished right around 2pm. We took a half hour lunch, and probably 4-5 bathroom breaks. I have been doing a lot of my longer walks on blacktop, so have switched to city streets now. Boy can my knees feel the difference!

Overall I felt pretty good through the whole walk. Its nice walking with another veteran walker so we can keep each other in check while walking with food, water, and stretching. All 3 are so vital to keep your body feeling good! While training its harder for me to keep up with my water, vs on the walk you have pit stops every 3 miles and its just routine to fill up your water, pee, and eat.

My knees and feet are now achey hours after the walk, but generally while walking and even the few hours after they felt pretty good. We are meeting again for 15 at the same time tomorrow, so lets see how I feel when Im done with that. I think Ill bring out my awesome foot massager, it may be needed. hehe

Its kinda funny how once I reach any walks longer than 12 miles, that the last mile or two are the most challenging. Its like this game you play with your head. Totally mental. Its like you cant focus on anything but being done. When we were at mile 16-17 we were like wow we are feeling great! Than bam! it hit us like a ton of bricks...I was like all of a sudden this mile feels like 5! She definitely agreed. Than we thought well on the walk we would have to walk 5 more miles, so this last mile is nothing than :)

Grant is out with the boys tonight, a bachelor party. Even though its a bachelor party, the first half of their outing is at a bar where theres this anniversary party for a Detroit production company (that throws kickass parties) that I usually dont miss every year. But I opted to stay home, let the boys have their fun. I decided to have The L Word marathon. Now Im off to hit the hay and snuggle up with the furbabies. A much needed me time tonight :) Well me and the dogs. Can you tell yet, Im obsessed with my dogs? hehe How could you not be with these cute faces?!


Rob Tucker said...

Awesome job with the walking - and you're SO right about that 'last mile'. It's all mental - whether it's the 58th minute of an hour on the Eliptical or it's the final mile in the marathon - it just goes to show how much the mental game plays a part.

Enjoy your night - you earned it!

Kristen said...

Funny...I skipped the Paxahau party too...for a bachelorette party.

Marcol said...

Nice on the walking...

Im so far behind on the L Word. I like the show but just cant watch more than 2 episodes at a time.

David said...


You seem to feel better ! And you are walking a lot. We are going to score on the Sept. Challenge aren't we ?

billy said...

That amount of walking just sounds painful.

Melissa said...

Sometimes when I walk long distance, I feel like that. Im like wow this is so intense and insane. But than I think of all the people going through chemo and it puts the pain back in perspective :)

And Yes David...they better watch out! tee heee