Friday, August 31, 2007

Emotional Eating is raging again....

now the question is how do I handle this? Todays been a bad day. I dont know why, just is. I should be happy. Tons of reasons.

1. Its Friday!
2. 3 Day weekend
3. No work!
4. Sun is shining
5. Only 5 hours left of work
6. Having a good hair day

and I could list more.... Something about when I woke up today I just felt really down. I cant shake it off, Ive tried to. I even was at the point of crying at my desk, why? I don't know because I just felt like I needed to cry. I know I sound like a wimp.

I guess also weighing in at a whole pound down in 30 days was a bit discouraging to. So why am I sitting here 45 minutes away from my lunch break worried about what I'm going to eat. I can see myself turning to fried foods. Because for that one moment, just those first few bites...I know this bad feeling will vanish and in some sick way Ill feel happier. Until after lunch is over, than Ill feel like crap again, 1. from the food I ate, and 2. back to the state I'm in right now.

There I blogged about it. That's what I'm suppose to do. Blog when it gets hard. It feels hard today.

Edit to add: Crisis adverted. I chose a salad and yorgurt. I do feel a little victorious.


David said...

It's good to know you managed the crisis well !

Check my comment i just posted on your previous post, i hope it cheers you up a bit !


billy said...

Way to go! Those small battles are the toughest, but each time you choose right you pave the way for next time.

It could be "Fall blues" creepin in, I know I get a little depressed toward the end of Summer. You just have to recognize it and try to deal...

Kristen said...

It's our right as women to cry at our desks...jk.

Good job on making the right choice. I like Billy's answer about it being "Fall Blues".

I think you need to come see me.

Marcol said...

Nice job on overcoming the food pitfall. What you did was big. You were first aware, you talked about it and then made a quality decision - good for you!!!!

I hope your Friday gets better real soon and lasts throughout the weekend!