Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tick Tock Tick Tock...

Doesn't it sometimes feel like you wonder where the time goes? Its been like that for me this week! I have been trying to blog for the last couple days, but when I was on the Internet I was researching stuff on thyroid. Im really concerned, or more like, frustrated with my thyroid disease. I couldn't get out of work for a doctors appt so had to reschedule my appt. and they cant get me in till Mid October! I feeling like crap and need to get in sooner. Ive been wanting to switch my meds and cant get in to even talk to my doctor at this point. So Ive been looking for a new doctor, and came across a yahoo group for Michigan residents with thyroid diseases. Lots of good info from other people which is nice to get referrals from. I spoke with this one woman about this holistic doctor she is seeing, and am very interested. I would like to try him along with a endocrinologist. It can get pricey since he doesn't accept insurance, but there is a 6-8 month waiting list so can save up the money by than. He has released a book, Overcoming Thyroid Disorders, so Im going to pick that up in the meantime.

Anyhoo, Ive been busy everyday this week. Labor Day was okay given the circumstances. I went to my moms for dinner and we grilled the usual. I stuck with one burger and corn on the cob. My weight has dramatically went up and I thought it was from the weekend. I ate a lot of salt while out walking all those miles, so thought maybe that was why. And its slowly creeping back down, so I guess I wont complain to much. I took the last two nights off from any exercise. Tuesday we went to the Tigers Game after work, and let me tell you I was so proud of myself. Ive mentioned before one of my all time favorite things to do is go to the ballpark. I love baseball. Just walking in the park puts a huge smile on my face. And usually the food goes right along with it. And since Im with Grant, he sometimes can eat like a bottomless pit. But this time I said nope I will not join him. So I did just that. I split a pretzel with Grant, no cheese. And had half of a frozen lemonade. I walked out of there eating only 300 calories. Go me! :)

Than yesterday I actually went and worked the Tigers game. Helped out some 3 day walkers that had a stand. Since it was such an intense game, I didn't get home until after midnight. Awesome, Awesome Game. I was drinking my water last night but still almost passed out from the heat. It was not fun. So did eat a kabalsa at like 11. It was worth it, it was so good.

Today after work Im meeting Jennifer, the other walker Ive been training with. We are going to meet about 5 minutes from my work and do a 6 miler out here. This is the area we are walking in during the event...much hillier than we are use to. So should be a good walk. Unfortunately, when I get home the laundry mat will be calling my name. So another busy night for me.

Ive been tracking my calories again. I think it helps. I hate doing it, but I need to know where Im at. At least if I know what calories Im at, what Im burning exercise wise..and it will help to realize if my thyroid is truly slowing me down or what. Staying focused...that is what September is all about.


Rob Tucker said...

I love hearing your stories about the Tigers game, so keep those coming. I know exactly what you're talking about - those pretzels are solid, and you can't beat those Minute Maid Frozen Lemonades (300 cals in the whole thing) :)

Hope you get what you're looking for in terms of the Thyroid thing. Insurance and doctors can get frustrating!

Kristen said...

Grant and his tapeworm...

David said...

Lol ... good one Kristen

David said...

Good to hear from you Melissa !

Marcol said...

Glad to see youre staying focused and good for you on not following Grant and being a bottomless pit at the game the other night!

6 miler, you better go wtih your bad self :)