Tuesday, September 25, 2007

And Thats A Wrap

Last night Grant and I went to our last Tigers game of the season. This was the first year we bought season tickets, and while it was a trying year for the Tigers, I loved every minute of those games :) Unfortunately, my boys are going through a slump at the wrong time for them. But they will come back strong next season. I know they will ;)

And now I also need to wrap up this lack of self control! Its one thing to enjoy an out of town weekend, but its another to bring the behavior home with me! I was out of control at the game last night. I was like what can I eat next after everything I ate. I kept up with Grant if that tells you anything of how much I ate.

I really think the drinking this past weekend brought on a spurt of depression. I know this happens when Ive havent drank a lot in awhile. I didnt drink that much to the point where it was binge like, and I drank over a long time span. But its been probably 2 months since the last time I drank more than 2 drinks in one sitting. Ive been so absorbed in my training and fundraising lately. So this feeling of depression isnt anything new to me. Why do I do it than? Good question, when I figure that out Ill let you know. Unfortunately, 3 years of therapy hasnt helped yet. Again, I need to be in control of how Im feeling, why Im feeling this way, why Im doing what Im doing to feel that way, and how Im going to react. Last night I reacted the way Melissa always does. Food makes me feel better, but in long run it actually makes me feel worse. Emotional eating is such a demon.

So again, today is a new day. Time to take control. Be aware of what Im putting in my mouth, and get in a good workout that will uplift my mood. Im suppose to meet Jennifer for a walk after work and think Ill try to workout to my dvd when I get home. I still have errands to run to get ready for my walk this weekend so time is really sparse this week. I am looking so forward to Friday though. Only 2.5 work days left at this point :)

I promise more uplifting blogs to come in the future.

Heres a picture from this weekend :)


Jay said...

wow, everyone seems to have problems on the weekend! Perhaps you'd like to join Rob, Ripx and I as a "weekend warrior".

Rob Tucker said...

Weekends are tough - but I have a feeling you're going to have a GREAT weekend this time around.

As it gets closer, I'll find out when I'm going to be at the cheering stations. Hit me up on email ( if you want to meet up while you're down there. My buddy Jim (who just started doing a blog this week, check my blog today) is going to be down there too.

billy said...

I like how candid you are in your blogs about drinking, depression, etc. I think a lot of us are looking at some of the same issues, and sometimes they closely correlate with our reasons for overeating, etc. Recognizing that is the biggest step in overcoming it!

Ripx180 said...

how can you not do awesome this weekend.... Your probably going to be burning more than you could consume. With the depression thing I think its great that you realize it and have a good idea of what causes it. My wife is very sensitive to caffeine and it took us a few years to figure it out. When she quite drinking caffeine everyday like most of us she was so much easier to live with (more stable personality wise). The fact that you are facing your issues and dealing with them will make you a better stronger person. I go through boughts of depression too... haven't really been able to pinpoint the cause. Something I need to work on.

Great pic of you and Grant. Its really nice to put the face with the names. Thanks for sharing with us.

Kristen said...

I can't believe this weekend is almost here. I hope you have a good time. You certainly deserve it with all of the training you've been doing. Do you know what your plan of attack is for after?

BTW...I also appreciate your candor here.

Jim McCoy said...

I'll be doing the 3 Day boogie myself this weekend, so look for me. I read something posted on one of the 3 Day messageboards that said you can't lose weight on the walk, because they have all types of high cal foods so that you can "Keep up your energy." . Do your weigh in, find me on the walk, and we'll make that dude eat his words like a big, nasty greaseball burger. I won't be hard to find. I'll be the only one NOT wearing pink.

Marcol said...

First, cute picture. Now I can say I know and Grant by face :)

I like Billy appreciate your candor. Its not easy to admit whats really going on and in such an open forum. Dont be down on therapy, those years youve invested werent wasted - youre able to identify the issues and recogize whats going on. There are many people still unable to truly "see" themselves so that puts them one more step behind the ball.

Has your therapist mentioned replacement therapy? What helps you get grounded so that you can take control? Just a few things to think about...

I hope youre in better spirits soon.

Melissa said...

Thank you guys. I use to be in denial so much about my issues and I guess ashamed and embarassed to even talk about them with anyone besides Grant. But the more I deal with them, in and out of therapy, the more open I am about them. Its who I am, take it or leave it, right? :)

Marcol, I think everyone can use therapy. Im defintley for it! Grant and Ive been in couples therapy to, and Ive learned more about myself in couples than I did individual. It really has helped me grow. I still have more work to do though! This past year Ive made the most progress, and Im pretty happy where I am now and going :)

Marcol said...

Yeah therapy, I dont know how I'd feel these days without my therapist Ashley in my life. I recall my ex mentioning me going to therapy and I wasnt feeling it. I mean I went to school to be one myself, even though I didnt finish but I wasnt too excited to say the least about needing one myself.

Ive come to realize its been the best thing for me and I actually realize I wish I had gone sooner, go figure.

I applaud all those who do go and arent where I used to be seeing it as meaning something is wrong with me. I now seeing it as meaning I want to be a better me! Two thumbs up for Therapists!