Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What a nice walking buddy I have...

Bandito :) Since Vinyls toe is still broke, I snuck Bandito out for a 6 miler...except he only made 3. I think he got sick of the honks and whistles just as much as I did. At one point, he looked at me like are these people for real? Definitely not the walk I intended for, but if the rain holds out tomorrow maybe I can get in 6 miler in. Since that little guy is all muscle I had quite the workout trying to keep him in control. We are still training him to walk like his sister, calm. hehe

I feel pretty good about what I ate today. I had steamed veggies with some chicken for lunch, and it definitely made a huge difference getting through the work day. I was really busy at work to so that may have been part of it. I'm pretty nervous to weigh in tomorrow, this morning I was up 1/2 pound again. :( Hopefully I can at least break even, although that will still be disappointing to me.

I applied for this job thats full time job, and am really hoping I get a call back. Ive never really thought about leaving the company Im with, I mean I definitely would like something new, but the company I work for is a good company and has great perks. But it would knock out this second part time job idea (Im still having a hard time finding one). Keep your fingers crossed for me!

My eyes have been drooping the last hour, Im pretty tired so think Ill go spend sometime with Vinyl (shes mad that I took bandito out for a walk and not her) and than call it an early night.


Ripx180 said...

Bandito is a cutie. All the extra exercise will make him a better boy (less hyper). Sorry to hear you have been so fatigued as of late. Keep walking.

Marcol said...

Nice job with getting out there and nice pic of Bandito. Dinner looked good. Stay encouraged and motivated even on the job front, it has to give - make wise choices either way.

Rob Tucker said...

Very cool - good for you for getting a replacement partner, even if it hurts the other one's feelings. Is this the most literal version of being in the "doghouse"?

David said...

Be strong Melissa !