Thursday, August 23, 2007

Eeeeek..only 7 days left....

in this challenge. I still have 7 days to kick ass, but I really thought Id be further along than I am! I forgot how challenging weight loss can be...and than again I really am not kicking into the high gear that I need to. I can say my eating has been not so great, but still better than it was a few months ago.

Ive really been trying to stay focused at work and not slack off on the Internet to much. Right now the last thing I need is to lose my job...although everyone is on the Internet all day anyways. Keeping myself busy like that helps me keep my mind off the stressors that are in my life right now. And I definitely agree with Beck on how exercise is really vital during stressful times. Last night it put me in such a good mood!

Lets talk about last night shall can see what a few hours in my life is like and how much luck I seem to be having lately. I had to pickup my thyroid meds at the pharmacy, so I figure hey I have to get my walk why not walk up there and back and that will take me 7 miles. So off I go. Now I live in a ghetto neighborhood...I live in the the neighborhood 8 mile was filmed in..yeah. So sometimes I get a little paranoid. It was very very muggy, and bugs seemed to be everywhere. So as I swatted the bugs off they were sticking to my sweat. I felt like the dirt guy in Charlie Brown. Except it was bugs. I didn't have any cash on me but have been selling stuff on ebay, so grabbed my paypal debit card. Get to the pharmacy, and low and behold the card expired on 7/31/07. Nice. Since I had no cash I turned around and walked home. Laughing at myself because hey what else can I do? On the way home it was hitting 8pm, and it gets pretty dark earlier ended up walking the last mile in the dark in my sunglasses. I have prescription sunglasses and didnt bring my regular glasses....and than the honking started..the yelling hey nice fanny pack....oy! So it was an experience to say the least. But I got my 7 miles in just under 2 hours :) I got a small walk in but not what I would have liked. Im hoping the rain holds out tomorrow so I can get a good walk in after work. The dogs are both literally in my lap as I type this. They are both 65lbs each and terrified of thunder. Poor babies. They woke me up last night and were curled up right next to my head.

So I have 7 days....and I have to make it my best. I have to make David proud of us newbies and get us in the top 3!

Thanks for checking up on me David :) And the picture of you I was actually seeing was your adorable daughter. lol

And to make it fair Rob...not only did I say nippling...I said penis jello jigglers to! The woman were slapping them on each others faces. lol

Okay time to wash out my color. Shhhh! Some people believe its my real hair color.


Kristen said... are crazy. I want to say good choice on the walk, but please don't do it again.

Melissa said...

I know. lol Once I got started I was like maybe this wasnt such a good idea. Once I got to 10 mile rd it was fine, it was just the distance between the two. Ill go back to my 1.25 mile bikepath...but damn that gets boring!

Anonymous said...

Great story about your walk to the drugstore...but please don't do it again.

David said...

I was kinda scared reading your post.

Now, you said for yourself we could make the Top3 - You KNOW we can ! Let's do this !

Grrrrrrrrr !

Rob Tucker said...

Um.. I think you live like a mile or two from where I grew up. I grew up in Hazel Park. Didn't realize you were that close. I was just at 9/Ryan this morning (my wife works out there). Small world.

Melissa said...

Rob, that is close! I live at 9 and Vandyke..and use to work at 8-1/2 and Ryan. Small world it is :)

Rebecca said...

Don't worry, we won't tell anyone that it's not your real hair color. :)

Rob Tucker said...

Very cool - my family lives at 11/Hoover, and I just moved to 17/John R.

I knew exactly where you lived the second you mentioned the movie "8 Mile" :)

Ripx180 said...

Uhhh 7 miles in 8 mile does sound a little sketchy, especially being a young attractive woman. Take your dog or guy next time wont you? Please???