Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Fat Loss Kick-Start

So the more I read this over, the more I want to try it. I mean I can at least try it right? I think it will be quit challenging for me, but maybe that's what I need right now. I was telling a coworker at work about it and she looked at me like I was crazy. That made me want to try it even more!

I'm probably over thinking it at this point. But if Marcols reading this or anyone that I eat just a protein or green every 2-3 hours, or do I eat one of each together every 2-3 hours? Or either or? Also, I'm a little concerned with my training schedule how it will work. The next few weekends will be my longest walking weekends since the 3 day is so close. Probably a couple 18 mile walks. Now I usually bring food to eat, and they involve salty snacks so I can prevent hyponatremia. So do you think its okay to fudge with this plan, like on the weekends allow those sports drink and salty snacks while I'm training?

As Ive mentioned before I have a wedding that I'm going to in 4 weeks. There were be quite a few people there that I haven't seen in over a month or two. It would be nice to be down a few pounds and feel good in a dress. :) I think with that goal in mind, I think it will make the 14 days more doable, or make me less likely to quit.

I'm also worried about after the 14 days is up...I feel I may just gorge into carbs and overdo it. But maybe after 14 days I may realize I like some of the foods I'm eating and my energy feels so great Ill want to definitely keep it up. As you can see, my self doubt is taking over my brain again.

Anyways, time for my walk...catch ya'll later tonight.


Ripx180 said...

I believe together... at least thats how most low carb diets work. Veggies have carbs but also have tons of fiber which offsets the carbs. That way your getting everything you need. Expect to feel a little tired and weird the first week or so. Your body will actually with drawl a little for carbs (mine did anyway). I think its because it has to switch from using carbs as a energy source to protein/fat (hopefully not muscle).

I am thinking of doing the same to kick start my weight loss. There are several diets out there that follow very close to this one.

Kristen said...

I actually think it might be smarter to wait until after the 3 day to start this.

Also, if you do decide to try it...if you decide it's too much, ease back into a normal diet rather than overloading on carbs. I'd hate to see you actually gain weight...not that I think you'll give up, of course...just if you do :)

For some reason, this comment seems kinda mean when I read it. I don't mean it that way...honest :(

David said...

Hi Melissa,

I'm replying here, for the comment you left on my blog.

I'd never consider anybody but you as a teammate for the September Challenge. You have my full support and confidence !

I'd never consider your performance of August as shameful either. Never. You lost one lbs, that's not bad at all ! As long as you are losing, you're winning !

Let me add, that we all have our own objectives regarding weight loss. You may want to lose a little or alot, that doesn't matter to me. We also all have our of own personal level of dedication to weight loss and also different schedules, some are more constraining than others. It seems yours is very busy and i don't want you to feel as i am pressuring you because i'd never do that !

The only thing i'm not comfortable with and i really never know what to say about it is you thyroid. I have a couple of friends who have to deal with the same issue. I understand this issue, yet i never find the correct words to try and encourage someone up to exercise while remaining supportive of the issue that they have no energy. I hope i am better inspired in the future.

We have to find a new name cause we are not NewComers anymore ! … I’d like something along the lines of “The Losing-No-Matter-What Team”

CYA and have a great weekend !

Marcol said...

Hey Melissa Im a little late responding. You should eat a protein and a green together every 2-3 hours. Ive done a very similar diet but I used supplements while I trained (ie BCAA's, fish oil, Power Drive). The BCAA's give the same energy refueling that Gatorade or other high carb drinks do and better actually but without the heavy carb load. The Power Drive helps you stay focused. Truthfully I think I trained better and harder when I was on the similar diet taking the BCAA's than I ever have. I was doing Alwyn Cosgrove's "Afterburn" at the time and if you know anything about anything Alwyn puts together you know I wasnt playing around in the gym. I maintained my energy on the BCCA's and the diet and lost about 8 or so pounds - and have kept them off :)

As for after the 14 days just follow the rules on my blog for after the 14 days which is in the Kick Start post. Any questions, let me know.

Take care.