Monday, August 20, 2007

And the weekend was....

fun, but unfortunately I'm not reporting the great success David reported. You go David! What an awesome weekend you had :) It was quite a challenging weekend eating wise. But I think considering I did okay. I snacked on fruit where I could, but everything else was definitely not health conscious. Lots of sweets that I nippled on here and there. I kept seeing Davids profile picture in my head and I would put things I think it helped! lol I did a burger one night, and than some chicken bowtie pasta the next. The rest literally was snacking, which can be bad since your just sitting around drinking! Drinking was not to bad. I had two 12 ounce jungle juice while canoeing, and finished off a 6 pack of red stripe the rest of the weekend. Oh and I cant forget the penis jello jigglers. lol

Compared to the other 16 woman, Id have to say I did fairly well limited myself. Not the greatest, but could have been worse. It was soooo chilly! We camped in this cabin, and had a camper next to it as well...but the first night we didn't get a fire started in the cabin or the windows shut so it felt like we were outside. I could see my breath. I managed to get in morning walks both days, but I think it was only 2 miles if that each time. I canoed in the front for the trip though, and that was a 23 mile, 5 hour canoe trip. My arms and legs were feeling it when we were done! So was the sunburn on my legs. I really coated myself with sunblock to! Gotta love that fair skin. Why couldn't I have gotten my moms native skin tone?

When I weighed this morning I was up a pound. But now I'm back home, trying to get back into routine, and getting back on track. I hope I can get that pound off to at least weigh in the same as last week, even a pound down would be nice. I really need to kick it in gear for these last 2 weeks of the challenge!

I do have to say my happy moment of the weekend was I wore shorts. I NEVER wear shorts. Ever. But in the canoe I work my bikini top (with a tank top over it), and running shorts. I was legs are looking pretty toned...that walking is paid off. So strutted in my shorts proudly :)

I did have a bad day today, things from my bad week a few weeks ago have sprung up again..and it really is trying to pull me down into depression. Im trying so hard to fight it...but it definitely feels like Im being defeated (becks blog was right on with this) right now. I should have come home and worked my anger, sadness, stress off..but I napped and than we had Del Taco for dinner. What is done is done. Time to put that behind me and focus on the rest of my week.

I now remember how easy it was to gain the weight...a few bad situations for an emotional eater can be brutal. I have to remember to stay alert and beware of everything going in my mouth, and stay in control! Sometimes way easier than said, but I knew this wasnt going to be easy!


Anonymous said...

Melissa, one pound up after a weekend with 16 other women is a success story to me. I find that I usually gain 1lb everytime I spend a few days away from home. It's been pretty easy to get back in the groove though.

Hope you keep your attitude strong regarding your troubles. Exercise is the best thing for stress - even though food calls to you during those times. Hang in there.

Rebecca said...

Sounds like you did pretty well - 1 lb is not bad at all! Being aware of your emotional eating is the first step - if you can take a step back before you eat something/make a bad eating decision, it helps to give you a bit of perspective. I gained almost 40 lbs from stress/emotional eating, so I feel your pain! It takes a while to unlearn those habits though, so stay strong.

David said...

Aww ... Don't be so hard on yourself. You deserve to show yourself a good time once in a while !

I am not an emotionnal eater, but i can understand it partially. Taking a step back as Rebecca commented seems like a great idea.

Well, i see lots of positive in your blog (The wearing shorts thing, the paddling, the walks and the showing some restraint with the food) and i'd say you did okay !

But, i don't know what success you are talking about my weekend ? I only have lost half a lbs. with all those efforts. Like Rob said last week, "My body owes me" ! Oh, and i don't have a picture in my profile. Not yet at least !

Take care Melissa !

Rob Tucker said...

You know I'm immature as hell when the only thing I could focus on in your blog was when you said you were "nippling" on some sweets in the first paragraph ;)

Time to go back to Jr. High school...

Anonymous said...

Rob, Rob, Rob...

Ok, I saw that too. :D

Melissa, don't be hard on yourself. I second what everyone else said with a 1-lb gain not being bad for a weekend away!!

As far as the stress, I've learned that exercise makes me feel a hell of a lot better! I say "learned" because initially, exercise was the furthest thing from my mind when dealing with crappy situations. But I started running or walking or biking when I was [insert negative emotion here] and afterwards, 9 times out of 10, I'm in a good mood. Not just better mood, but a GOOD mood.

Hang in there, though. Things will get better and you'll get back in the swing of things. :)

Jay said...

+1 for rob on this one :)

David said...

Hi Melissa,

We havent heard much from you this week. I'm sure you are swamped with work and all !

I just wanted to make sure you are ok !
