Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Just missed it!

So I searched and searched for an appropriate picture and found nothing. Nada! So this blog is plain Jane today. Anyhoo, so weigh in was today, and I missed my October weight loss goal by 1/2 pound! But Im not letting it get me to down, because I did pretty good for the month of October. 8 1/2 pounds lighter than I was in September. Thats quite a pickup from my previous months. And I reached my goal of fitting in a size 10 during this month. Not to shabby :) I'm a little nervous what November will bring. I was going to lessen my goal due to the holidays, but than realized that's a cop out! Im running a 5k on Thanksgiving and that is going to jump start my successful holiday!

Im doing better than I was on my last post. I'll admit I didnt blog because of my emotional status. I tend to be pretty raw sometimes, and not sure if I scare people away. So I steered away this time. But I had a few rough emotional days, and I gave in to a few temptations. Maybe if I would have blogged (practice what I preach eh?) than I may not have gave into as many temptations. When I think back on it...I didnt do to bad, and I balanced it with my workouts. I also didnt let one temptation derail to a whole weekend of them. My emotional eating has definitely improved tremendously. My temptations consisted of some candy, fries (my major weakness), a few martinis, and than we went to PFChangs again this past weekend for Grants birthday. I took a look at the nutrition value online. Holy crap. Yeah. 1800 calories for one meal. Insane. Should I be surprised? Probably not. I ate half my meal and got my butt back to the track!

Speaking of track - Im in week 4 of the couch to 5k program. Ive had some issues this week but am back on track. My first attempt to the track was quite the experience. I headed to the track on Monday and it was filled with kids. I think they were having some field day or something, they had a table on the track full of medals for them. I didnt bring my watch so couldnt opt out to run someplace else. I needed the track for distance measurement. So I decided that I would still do my jog, I was going to see how far I could go without stopping. Well than the parents showed up to, and the kids, parents, and coaches were all gathering on the track and field. At one point a parent was walking towards me, in the lane I was jogging, when I got close to her..she wouldnt move! She starred me down until I went around her. What is wrong with people? The kids kept weaving in and out of me so I did a mile in 15 minutes and called it quits.

But I was back at it the next day, and now Im currently up to this:
1/4 mile jog
1/8 mile walk
1/2 mile jog
1/8 walk
That takes me roughly 30 minutes and its around 2 miles. I dont know if Im going to be able to jog the entire 5k in 3 weeks. And that is unacceptable to me since Im a perfectionist. But I have to come to terms that walking some of it is not a bad thing. More positive talking to myself and Ill get through it. Maybe Ill surprise myself and pull through the whole 3 miles. Ill have to see how the next 3 weeks go...I may feel more confident about it by Thanksgiving.

I think Ive done enough chatting for now. Happy Halloween everyone :) I survived the candy and sweet war at work. That is always a nice feeling :) I hope it was a successful day for all of you ;)


Rob Tucker said...

I hate to see you being so hard on yourself. The bottom line is, you're training for something, and you're hitting your goals. Who cares if you can't 'run' the entire three miles at once? Look back to when you started this - have you improved? That's what counts. If you're improving, that means you'll eventually be able to do it, even if it's not by Thanksgiving. Then again, you may surprise yourself.

Btw, I'll be creating a 'team' for the Race for the Cure in Detroit on Thanksgiving (I'm assuming the race you're doing). You wanna be a team member? I know Jim and his family members are going to do it with us.

Melissa said...

I am my own worse critic Rob! I know interval cardio is one of the best forms of exercise, but something about not being able to run the whole thing just feels, well unsatisifying. Especially when I see everyone that can vs me I cant.(woah insecurities eh?) But yes Im improving and that is what counts.

Im doing the Turkey Trot in Detroit on Thanksgiving, thats the one your doing right? Id love to be a team I need to do anything? Im registering today.

Rob Tucker said...

I'm going to register right now, so let me see what I have to do to 'make a team'. Jim's wife told me about it and I was going to be Team Leader. Let me check this out and I'll get back to you.

Rob Tucker said...

Ok, nevermind. I lied about the Team stuff. I guess the info was for the Race for the Cure 2008 in May at Comerica. =)

I'll let you know when it gets closer. We all should still get together at the Trot.

Brian said...

I'm glad to see you're better on the emotional front. As far as the 5k, just keep at it and eventually you'll be running the entire thing. There is no other choice really!

Marcol said...

Glad ot hear emotionally things are getting better. Great progress youre making with your runs!

Ripx180 said...

You did Awesome in October!! 8.5 pounds kicks some serious A$$. Your getting pretty light so I would say most of your running hold up might be a mental struggle. especially with all the walking you do, you have to be in pretty darn good shape. Just push yourself a little further each time. Its a huge mental game for me (running that is). Some nights I can easily run 3 miles then the next I am gassed at 2 mentally and physically. I think it has allot to do with your diet also. Anyway you slice it your doing great and the only way to do a 5k is to do it.

Jim McCoy said...

I guess I disagree with Tuck a bit on this one. If your goal is to run the whole Turkey Trot then don't settle for less. That's how I got through the 3 day this year, by not settling for stopping. You can do it. Keep your head up, and go.

Rebecca said...

Melissa, I'm sorry you've had a rough time. But you had a fabulous October! You should be really proud that you pulled yourself out of your slump - that takes a LOT of determination. Congrats on your size 10!

Jay said...

nice job in october, you really worked hard. Keep it up and you'll only see more and more progress.

Anonymous said...

Wow, your track sounds a lot like Wal-Mart. People are so inconsiderate!

Anyway, CONGRATS on size 10!!! Woohoo to you!

As far as the race, definitely think positive, Melissa!! Don't let the thought that you can't run the entire thing even enter your mind. Sure, there's the physical aspect of it, but a lot of it IS mental. And I totally hear ya on the training. Not doing the entire thing seems like it's not enough. But here's the thing. Last I checked your blog (sorry, it's been WAY too long!), you were maxing out at 30 seconds. Now, you're up to 1/2 mile!! That's something! You're making great strides here (no pun intended) and you're going to be running 5k's in no time. Keep it up! You're doing so good! :)

Rob Tucker said...

FAT Xtreme check-in. How's it going, Mel? Good or bad, keep us updated :)