Sunday, October 21, 2007

Weekend Warrior

What a weekend :-) I definitely earned the title of a weekend warrior. And guess what? It feels pretty freaking awesome.

Friday night was perfect. The guys had no idea we were there! We all gathered together and the athletic director and one of the coaches came over and gave us the agenda. And they got all chocked up while talking to us. They were overwhelmed by all the letters and cards they received from people on the 3 day. And said the event changed those boys lives. They were so excited we were there. So we lined up on the field out to the track, and formed a tunnel for the guys to run through. About 12 of us held up the banner for them to run through. A crew member brought a tent from camp, and we popped that up. (since the boys popped all those up for us!) And we had noise makers, our victory shirts on, some were dressed up in pink wigs and had pink pom poms to. When the boys came out they huddled on the track before running through us and they all took a double take. The announcer spoke about the 3 day, and how the boys came to help us and gave us a big welcome. And than the boys ran through with huge smiles, and some of them chanted, we love you! we love you! And as the coaches came by they had tears in their eyes.

And the boys won! 39-14, and are going to the playoffs. At the end of the game they came over to the area we were sitting in and saluted us with their helmets and sang the school song. The football players, their parents, and the coaches thanked us again after that. :) Im so happy they won and that we got to show our love back to them! I got a few pictures but they are all pretty blurry...but here they are:

After the football game we went to a local bar to hear some friends dj. We didn't stay to long, but I danced a bit and burned some more calories. No beer, just a redbull which probably wasn't the best choice but I was falling asleep! hehe

On Saturday we were going rock climbing for Grants birthday. I got up early enough that I could still fit in my last jog/walk for the week. I wasn't sure how I would feel on Sunday so wanted to make sure I got it in. This was the last day for week 2. I felt pretty strong through the entire thing, and at the end I did one full lap jogging around the track and didn't feel like I was going to keel over. And that was 3.5 minutes. I was pretty pleased with that :) We went rock climbing shortly after that. I didnt realize you had to learn so much with that! When we were in the training class, I was like am I going to remember all this? But I had no fear because my partner was apparently the teachers pet. Yes our Kristen was her example since she was doing everything perfectly. lol And Kristen tore those walls up! It was a great workout and I realized how weak my upper body is. But I made it to the top twice and was geeked about that. The first time I only got halfway up the wall and looked down and said, no Im coming down. But I overcame that and made it up to the very top. You really got an adrenaline rush getting to the top, like you conquered something huge. It was a blast. We ended up having 7 of us there, which was nice because people kept cancelling out on me. And two of our friends drove up from Indiana for the day, which I thought was really cool. We went and grabbed a bit to eat afterwards. Kristen recommend a yummie place, and I am pretty proud of my decisions there. Grant and I split a 5 beer 5 ounce each sampler, and than I got the Chicken Cherry Salad. I passed up the bread when it came, and fought off the urge to get the baked mac n cheese. Im a sucker for mac n cheese.

Heres the photo album of us rock climbing...we mostly got climbing pictures.

Today when I woke up I was pretty sore. Mostly my arms and abs. I decided to take the day off from a workout, and hung out with my sister all day. They just opened up this new outdoor mall near us, so we went and checked that out, window shopping. So I got a couple hours of walking in. We ended up grabbing dinner at Mongolian BBQ, where I stuck with chicken, veggies, and pineapples, and skipped the rice.

Im really happy with my weekend choices. I didnt think it would feel as good as it did! This morning I saw a drop on the scale. I need to lose 3lbs this week and 3 next to make my October goal. Im 1.5lbs away from this weeks goal. Hopefully I can meet this goal, so I am staying focused :)

P.S. I signed up for the 5K Turkey Trot today. In my couch to 5k Program Ill be at week 7 where I should be able to jog 2.5 miles. So even if I can do that and walk the last .6, Ill be happy with that. Im excited about it. And what better way to start off the holiday weekend :)


Ripx180 said...

you are on a serious roll!! Glad to hear you had such a good weekend. The turkey run will be a great way to start your holiday.

Marcol said...

Wondeful weekend report Melissa. You supported others, had a great time rock climbing with friends and managed to still get in your exercise and eat healthy foods. Great job!

Oh and good for you on signing up for the Turkey Trot, that sounds like big fun!

Rob Tucker said...

Very cool! I thought that was you in the rock climbing pictures over on that other blog ;)

Jay said...

All awesome stuff! I wish I could rock climb!

That football story warms my heart.