Monday, October 15, 2007


My weekend wasn't top notch in regards to eating but I enjoyed myself for the special occasion. And the the scale sure did remind me that I may have enjoyed myself a little to much! It was Grant and my anniversary on Sunday, so we made a whole weekend out of it . While I thought I was doing good on my portion sizes, I may have overindulge a little to much. On Friday night we had Olive Garden. I did the chicken parm, but filled up on salad before hand. So only ate 3/4 of one of two chicken, and got wheat pasta. We had dinner at PFChangs on Saturday night. I absolutely LOVE that restaurant. I swear the food there is orgasmic. We did the chicken lettuce wraps, and I got Mongolian beef and Grant got the NY Steak. And we got chicken fried rice instead of when I should have gotten brown rice. I wont even guess how many calories the Key Lime Martinis had. Yum! And we had quite a few :) Than on Sunday we hit up the cider mill. I had 2 plain and one sugar along with two of their small cups of cider. I thought to myself....your really going to derail your progress, but its the cider mill....and its once a year so I enjoyed the donuts. I wonder if I was using the excuse, " our anniversary" a little to much. So whats its our anniversary...why should that mean I eat differently than any other time. Maybe enjoy a desert, but this also would of been a good time to practice more self control. That whole transitioning thing I was talking about in my last entry. Geez do I jinx myself or what? I still did better than what I would have a year ago. I did get out and walk on Saturday, and jog on Sunday, so was happy I stuck to that. But in the end whats done is done. This is a new week. And I'm not going to let a few splurges throw me off track. I have a October goal to make!

On personal note about our anniversary....this was probably the best one we have had yet. Well last year was hard to top since we were at the game where the Tigers beat the A's and won the ALCS. But with my history of my drinking abuse problem, I have made some very very messy anniversaries. Ruined tons of plans that Grant spent god only knows how long planning. I'm so thankful that he has stuck it out with me through some very very ugly times. Grant recently told me how proud he was of me this last year, for taking on so many things to improve my life and our life together. He said hes happy to finally see me taking care of my body in a healthy way. No more eating or drinking to feed my emotions. That meant a lot to me. I see many more happy anniversaries ahead for us :)

So I hit up the track today for week 2 of the couch to 5K program. 90 seconds jog, 2 minutes walk, and rotated for 30 minutes. Phew! You wouldn't think just adding 30 more seconds of jogging would feel like that much but it did. But halfway through I started to feel the pain ease up. And the people were once again out on the soccer fields, but I didn't care this time. I guess its gets easier to not be embarrassed the more I get out there eh?

I was looking for a before picture of me. Which has been very hard. I always ducked out of pictures, or had a coat on to hid myself, or hid behind people. Or I was really drunk in a lot of them and didn't want to post one of those pictures. On Saturday I felt like I was looking pretty good after my workout and took some halfway there pictures. I really enjoyed the butt picture I told Grant to that inappropriate to post? Im thinking it is. lol

My goal was to lose 40 pounds, and I'm just past 20. It feels great. Although when I look at these pictures I dont look that much different to me (maybe I cant get that fat girl out of my head)....but here they are:

And heres one from the side, although I did step my leg out (I know Im cheating) hehe

Marcol has helped me out and referred some online references to me to implement more body weight circuits. So Ive been checking that out and excited to start that this week to. Time to ditch the dvd's and its time to push myself in strength training. Im ready to be buff :)


Kristen said...

Melissa, there is a very big difference between the two pics. Congrats on everything.

Jay said...

There is a huge difference between those pics. You've made great progress! Keep up the good work!

Rob Tucker said...

Yeah, Mel - those pictures don't just show "some" or "a little difference". The difference in those two pictures is HUGE! You look ten years younger in those.

Ripx180 said...

I agree with what everyone else said. Allot of hard work has been done by the looks of the pictures. Glad you and Grant had a great anniversary.

Marcol said...

Happy Annivery to you and Grant, may you share many, many more together.

As for the difference, heck yeah theres a difference. I can see it in your face, width, thighs, heck - all over!

Good for you on your 20, heres to 20 more.

PS - Grant's commendation was sweet. Its nice when that special someone takes notice and lets you know :)

Anonymous said...

You don't see the difference? I guess that's a side effect we have from living the fat life. We don't really believe. Believe! You look great!

Anonymous said...

Melissa, you look amazing! As everyone else said, the difference is very obvious! :)

As far as the anniversary "splurge," this is a once-a-year thing. As long as you get back on the horse when you're done with your day (or weekend), then have fun that weekend. Don't beat yourself up over choices you should've made. Just enjoy the moment. When you get back to everyday life, eat healthy and be conscientious of the food/exercise choices you make. :) You're doing great...making GREAT strides (literally!!). Keep it up!

phenom said...

Not much to say that hasn't been said already. You're doing great, and if you can't see much of a difference in those pics, I know somebody who owns an optical store. :)

swankywanker said...

Wow. Smell you later, fat girl! Hello fit girl! You look great!

Silvana said...

What do you mean there's no difference...???? there's a huge difference girl! Good on you!