Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lets All Be A Tigger (Another great eposide by Oprah)

So I love Oprah. I know lots of people disagree with my love for Oprah, but some of her episodes have really helped me have my "ah-ha!" moments. So I tivo Oprah everyday, but I dont get to watch her show everyday since as you all know life happens. As I was chatting with a friend yesterday, she was telling me about Mondays episode. She has been really blue this week, and after watching this episode it really helped her put things back in perspective. The show was about "confronting death". She said I had to watch it. So yesterday when I got home from work I did just that. Am I glad she recommended this episode. As I watched this episode it definitely added to the focus Ive had lately, and made my perspective even more clear on how I want to live my life. I want to be a Tigger rather than an Eeyore (although I have much love for the cuteness of Eeyore ;) ) I just had to share this with all of you. :)

On the show it had people dying with cancer, and how amazing heroic they are facing death. There was this man, Randy Pausch, and he has pancreatic cancer. He was diagnosed last year and has gone through surgery, chemo, radiation, but the cancer has now spread and he has maybe up to 6 months to live. He is a married father of three children - all under the age of 5, and a professor at Carnegie Mellon University. This past September he gave his students a final lecture. There is a university tradition called, the Last Lecture. Hypothetically, if you knew you were going to die and you had one last lecture, what would you say to your students?" This was a reality for Randy. His lecture was on "childhood dreams". The lecture has been downloaded over a million times off the Internet. And he gave that lecture one last time on Oprah. Here is the link to the lecture:

Its about 10 minutes long, and make sure you grab a tissue ;-)

Have a great day FAT!


Marcol said...

Great blog and a very thought provoking "last lecture". He got me with his ending, choked up a bit. What a way to face death and life too I suppose. Thanks Melissa for showing us this.