Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Blogging, Milestone, and Control

So a lot of the times I only blog from work. My desktop at home died probably around 1.5 years ago. I never wanted to put out the money to buy a new one, well more like never had the money. And Grant has a desktop and a laptop, so I would always jump on his desktop if I needed to use it at night. Well now that its winter and the basement is FREEEEZZZING, I barely go on it. So Ill jump on his laptop when hes not using it. Which is usually why my blogs can be scarce. Well last night I got an early Christmas present. Grant couldnt keep it a secret any longer. I got a laptop! I was sooo surprised! Im am going back to school in the Spring, and trying to get my degree done (been going for the last 10 years off and on), so its really is the perfect gift. I am so geeked, as you can see my cheesy grin in that picture. So blogging at night is a must do now ;)

Life has been pretty much the same as last week. Ill have a good day, than a bad day. No consistency..which is something I need. I really am letting my willpower go, and I dont know whats come over me. Its like one taste of that sugar and I cant stop. I know my moods probably have something to do with it lately. Also Ive also been hanging out with some new friends, and a lot of Lia Sophia functions. There has been spreads like you wouldnt believe. So I may be even using food as an security blanket in social situations. Especially since the people Im around seem to be indulging in all the food themselves. Im still digging into this social aspect and trying to figure out if Im replacing food with what use to be alcohol....interesting thought. In reality, food makes me feel better and even more secure (that sounds weird typing that out), this is an ongoing problem Im aware of but have yet to master controlling it. My weight has been fluctuating up and down, up and down. I am the only one to blame, I lost control.

This past weekend I did have a milestone. I jogged my first 4 miler. I did it in about 45 minutes. I just found a comfortable pace, and went with it. I felt pretty good during and after. We had this snow storm so jogging is out of the question right now. Its a little icy, and the sidewalks arent clear. Im hoping maybe I can get out to the community center after work this week and again on the weekend. I think their path may be clear. Other than that Ive did nothing except one workout to a DVD. Although maybe I can count shoveling snow, and walking in 3 miles christmas shopping as exercise :p

Its a little embarrassing. All that talk I said about this is my month. Maybe I should learn to walk the walk. It feels like I almost jinxed myself! I still have two weeks left, I can still turn it around and that is exactly what I have to do. Can I do it? I sure hope so. Sadly at this point, not gaining any weight seems like it may be a miracle!

So when I got home today I planted my butt on the couch, and was figuring out what I was going to do with my evening. Did not want to work out. So I started browsing through some old pictures, thought it may motivate me. Grant came home and asked if I worked out yet? I said no, but I should. And he said yeah you should or your going to be mad at yourself. So I did. And it felt good. I can tell Im super bloated from all the sugar Ive had lately. I feel gross and my stomach is pretty nasty. That should be motivation enough! I compared some before/after pictures and saw how far Ive come.

Its crazy how you come so far and than you hit these roadblocks...its like I know what I have to do so why am I not doing it? I post these blogs from time to time and its like the same old song. I seriously just need to get it together, and realize I control who and what I want to be. I wonder if I can handle indulgement, because it appears that when I do indulge is when I go way off track. I need to figure out how to indulge in moderation, and get right back on track after it. Or notice when there are certain times I simply cant handle indulging so shouldn't do it.


Rob Tucker said...

Good for Grant for getting on you - sometimes we need our stronger halves to really remind us what our goals are. And AWESOME Christmas present - VERY cool :)

Sometimes we just need to do something when we don't feel like it. Those years that we didn't do that - where our lazy "wants" overcame our healthy "needs" - those are the years we got fat.

We're FAT now - much stronger. Go for it!

Geoff said...

I can't seem to handle indulging. It's an all or nothing thing in my head. So if I want results, I stay strict, even if I'm going out. I had to cut out my cheat meals because of this, but it's better this way.

P.S. I can't imagine not having a computer for so long. That's like not having running water! Of course I'm a huge nerdo who owns 3 computers and a modded XBox (just for me, my roommate has his own). Heck, I have 2 computers at work just for kicks :)

Rebecca said...

Happy early Christmas! I think we all go through rough patches when we know what to do and can't seem to follow through. I think the key is just pressing through it somehow. Your October proved that you know how to blast through those places. You can do it again!

swankywanker said...

Wow, you jogged 4 miles in 45? That's terrific. And a laptop to boot. Kick the holiday party food spread right in the pants. You are stronger than that, we all know it.

Ripx180 said...

Sweet gift you got there!! :). I would go crazy without my laptop/desktop/itouch. I got to be connected ya know.

I hear you on doing the same ole song and dance. Kind of the rut I have been stuck in the last couple months. Most everyone does it so don't worry. Just change for the better cause thats all we can do.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap. I thought I was reading MY blog. Well, not really, because that would make me a little slow in the head since I didn't actually write that and your blog looks nothing like mine. But anyway, I totally know what you mean about feeling bloated, indulging (too much) on sugar, going to food for comfort (especially in social situations)...and so on.

Just keep up the good work. When you're doing everything you can think of instead of exercising, just go out and exercise...don't even think about it. That's been my plan of attack the last couple of days.

I feel like such a moron saying this stuff...I should be practicing what I preach! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention, you look GREAT in that pic on the right. And I LOVE the shirt! It's really cute!