Thursday, February 21, 2008


I could use some right now. I have felt so drained for the last couple weeks and I just wish I could muster up some energy. Although Ive never had mono, Im sure this is what it feels like. I seriously am awake maybe 10 hours a day. That would be the hours Im at work. Grant has had to force me pretty much out of bed to eat dinner. Its getting ridlicious and Im so over this. I did make an appt to get bloodwork done, but Im sure it will be the same ol story. My thyroid levels are normal, and they seem to think its in my head that Im tired all the time. Unfortunately recently I caught a really bad sinus infection so that kicked me on my ass for a few days as well. Something else Im so over - WINTER!

The scale jumped last week higher than what I started with at the beginning of the month. But from what Ive been putting in my mouth it is not a surprise. Ive been out of control. Its been interesting reading Robs blog lately because we are so identical. I know my food issues are a lot deeper than Im acknowledging. I have taking in consideration of going to talk to someone about this. I think it will be beneficial for me. Although Ive always had some food issues, I think now that Im drinking less the food issues are more red flagged. Either way the issue has been on my mind, and Ive been trying to figure out what I need to do to move forward. Im tired of the struggle with food. And want to be healthy but not sure how to get there.

On the workout front - I have been working out. Not consistently but still getting them in where I can. I should force myself more because it would give me a little more energy. I did sign back up at the community center so that has been helpful. And I picked up the book, The New Rules of Lifting for Woman, and have been interested by the read. Im hoping to try a workout from the book in the next week or two.

Same old story on this blog. I feel like I waste your time reading this crap. Im trying to remain positive and not let negative talk take over my head....but its been a daunting task. I just wish stuff would click, but it doesnt seem to be happening. I need a different avenue because what Im doing just isnt working....


Rob Tucker said...

Mel.. one of the things I've learned the past few days is that this isn't going to get easier. We have to find this motivation from somewhere.

I was talking to Erin tonight, we feel like we're in total rut, and I think it really has to do with the weather. It's been horrible lately - freezing cold, just depressing weather. As I said to her - imagine what it would be like to go on a bike ride on a 65 degree day. Sound good?

I bet that'll raise our spirits.

We need to just make it to the spring. Opening Day is about 6 weeks away (my birthday is Tigers opening day this year) :)

Julie said...

This is too weird . . . would you believe I bought the "New Rules . . ." a couple of weeks ago? Good information.

My weight also jumped too but I know I've been struggling. I am exactly where you are - low energy, probably because I was eating too little, but still with that adjustment I still feel that something is missing because I cannot get my butt moving.

Most days, I want to lay in bed.I get up at 4:30am every week day to get in an exercise session but I never get out of bed until 6, 6:30 or even 7 am - just in time to get ready for work. I even bought new workout things to motivate me, but still no go.

I'm also considering talking to someone soon. Late last year, I read a book called, "Shrink Yourself", which addresses some of the mental/emotional issues lots of people face regarding food.

I don't want to slip back into my old patterns . . . here's an example of what I mean. Every couple of weeks I might find myself in Dunkin Donuts for a chocolate glased donut, but you know what - I don't even like donuts! Sometimes that indicates T.O.M but other times, I'm literally cursing myself because I feel powerless.


Marcol said...

Hang in there Melissa. Sounds like youre on to something with seeing how food for you is probably connected to something deeper. Im sure talking with someone will help you overcome this. All the best to you!

Rebecca said...

I have NROL and I like it too.

I feel like the point of a blog is almost like an online journal, so it's a place for you to talk about the ups & downs. Reading about them, for those of us who choose to, is not a waste of time. Keep your head up!