Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Weight Loss Spreadsheet...

what a nifty little spreadsheet I fell upon yesterday while browsing Billys blog. I have been tracking calories on, and its been helping. So I thought Id download this spreadsheet and track on there as well. It will be interesting to see how the graph moves with the 5 day moving average. Im a dork for anything that is tracking and/or organizing so got a little excited when I read spreadsheet. :p

Also yesterday was the first time in who knows how long that I ate 1500 calories. It was awesome seeing the end number of calories I had. I ad to take a double take. I watched my snacking, and knew that I had to limit the servings at dinner. I didnt exercise yesterday...Monday is "rest day" on my trainig schedule due to the heavy walks that are on the weekends now. But today Im back at it. Its a hot one today, so Im sure Ill defintely be getting that sweaty workout I aim for. Its funny I walk and walk and walk, and it never feels like a true workout to me. Mostly I think, psychologically, I feel I need to sweat to have this great workout. But my heartrate is up while walking, and Im burning calories so its a workout. Funny how our brain can mess with us sometimes eh? But back to my rest I decided to watch a movie last night, Black Snake Moan (excellent film by the way), and I wanted to snack half way through, so I had one of those jello sugar free snacks. I could of made that popcorn but I didnt. Baby steps. :)

So is there a way to track peoples blogs...or do you guys just check in on each others blogs daily?


Lacy said...

Welcome to FAT Melissa!

Ripx180 said...

I need to check out that spreadsheet, thanks for the reminder.

I have the black snake moan in my netflix q so looking forward to seeing that.

I totally agree with what your saying about feeling like you have to sweat to get a good workout. Kristen really likes lower arm sweat :) I just check peoples blogs daily (some times more than that or less if I am out of town). I am sure you could setup a RSS feed/ live link if you wanted to do it that way.

Jay said...

Yep, welcome!

Kristen said...

I use google reader, but I hate how long it takes for things to feed over. Plus, I usually end up going to everyone's throughout the day anyways - since I can't see the comments through the reader. Btw...Google Reader has seemed much faster lately. My friend uses some other reader service that she says is really fast.

I HEART Spreadsheets! I am the biggest Excel dork that I know.

Kirsten said...

are you speaking about me or another friend? oh well... if you use internet explorer there should be an orange button on the top right which is a feed button. click it to add the feed of any website. then to check updated feeds, they will be in bold under the star on the left side of the toolbar. or you can use the slow poky google reader... which does seem faster lately.

Kristen said...

yes, i was speaking of none other.

for the record...since there are a lot of newer people here: that's my friend KIRSTEN...not to be confused with me (KRISTEN). Don't want anyone thinking I'm crazier than I really am.

Dave said...

Hi and welcome to the Coalition :)

As far as tracking the logs, I use as my homepage and then I just add everyone's blog as an RSS feed.

It looks like this:

Rebecca said...

Welcome Melissa!
Sparkpeople has been really helpful for me too. It's amazing how quickly those calories add up!
I guess I'm not high tech enough for the feed stuff, so I just ened up checking through the blogs, every day or whenever I can.

Rob Tucker said...

I'm the same way - tracking numbers is becoming an obsession for me. I use, it works great for me.

Good luck this month with the challenge - you've got a great partner with my sister-in-law. I'll try to find a way for her to get on here more often!

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