Monday, January 28, 2008

Dont Think, Just Act

That is what I did today. And I finally did something after a week long hiatus. Im over thinking everything all the time. Its kinda of annoying actually. Yesterday and today Ive felt pretty down, and I dont think I got out of the recliner at all yesterday. I knew that doing something today would only help me out in the emotion department. No matter what it was as long as it was something. And since the weather is warm today, I figured I myswell enjoy it while its here. So I went for a jog when I got home. The snow is half melted so it was pretty slushy, but I stomped through it. It was quite a struggle but I finished 2 miles before dark. Its better than nothing. I have found out that Monday as a rest day is bad news. I need to start my week off doing something or I end up doing nothing!

The funeral was on Saturday. There was hard parts through the mass, but I got through it. I'm so lucky to have Grant. He knew exactly when to squeeze my hand, and put is arm around me. That helped a lot. I opted out for the reception..I just wasnt feeling up to it. And I had to get in the right mind frame for my Lia Sophia party I had to do later that afternoon. (which was my biggest party in sales yet!) I think I actually was more depressed Sunday than I was any other day last week. Im just going through the grieving process I suppose. At the funeral the priest read a scripture that related to Dawns life, and how she always lived life to the fullest, touched so many lives, and always made sure everyone was okay before worrying about herself. And he said one thing that stuck with me, we have a big mission to full after we are done grieving. A mission Dawn did every day. He sure is right. Breast Cancer 3 I come. Jen and I bought our Boston flights, so its official :)

I miss Dawn so much already. Shes with me in spirit, watching over me. I can feel it.

Thank you everyone for your support. It really has meant a lot to me. XO

Well Im off to watch Jim and Rob sweat over a grill for a fundraiser, and enjoy me some stirfry. Ill take a pic of them :)


Rob Tucker said...

Thanks for coming Mel! Glad to see you could make it. We made over $550 tonight!

We're doing this for the right reasons, I know. I'm proud to be a part of it.

Jim McCoy said...

It was great to see you last night, Mel. We rocked it out for real. Are you gonna post that pic somewhere so that I can get it? PLEASE?!?!?!? I'm sorry about your friend Mel, but all you can do is honor her memory by doing what she did and walking another 3 Day. I'm glad to hear you're doing Boston too. I'm jealous, but two 3Days just aren't in the cards for Jimbo this year. I was talking to Tuck, and once we get to the point where we've made enough to walk, we'll be helping you raise money too. Have you ever seen Friday, Mel? Good. In the words of Smokey: "Let's do this, MAN!"

Anonymous said...

Great work.