Thursday, August 9, 2007

Stress will not derail me...

Seriously, I feel just like that Zebra. I have had quite the stressful week. Well every week is stressful in my life right now. Im going through a really really hard time financially. (who isnt, right?) I was working two jobs up until mid July. I worked for 8 months like that...well had a break for 6 weeks due to surgery. And it was to harsh on my body, medically. I was having a really hard time with my thyroid and my body was definitely paying a price by me not taking care of it. So I quit. I have to say my health has been feeling better each day since I quit. Im getting the sleep I need, eating better, and exercising more. And the stress of a retail job wasnt on my mind...its amazing how much that can get to you. My day job has everyday stress, but nothing where Im going home stressing about it.

So as my financial situation seems to have gotten worse without the extra income...I have no choice but to go back to a second job. I am being a bit more pickier on where I go, and making sure I get the days I want. 14-16 hours a week, preferably nonconsecutive days. And afternoons or evenings on the weekends so I can still get in my walking. Of course this is going to be much harder going in and requesting such a set schedule so hopefully someone will work with me. Id also prefer to have any job but retail. I cant handle that. Some sort of data entry job would be nice. Im definitely not looking forward to working two jobs again..especially when Im at the level of training I am. But I have to do what I have to do. I just have to look at the big picture and how my stress will feel once I get some of these bills paid off, and more money saved up.

Ive had some stressors in other areas of my life this week to. I had a fundraiser at the Tigers game on Monday, working the concession was one of thee worse experiences of my life. And we definitely didnt do to well profit wise. Things have seemed to just down spiral from there. No need to cry out all my Ill just say...this hasnt been the best week. Today we were suppose to go to Cedar Point, and now we arent due to the weather. But I was looking forward to it since Ive had such a crappy week. Oh well. I am still taking tomorrow off, and working a half day today. I think some much needed me time is in order. Ill go home get a workout in today, and curl up on the couch with my furbabies and watch a movie. That sounds fantastic to me. :)

I have a slip up eating wise, last night at my 3 hour trip at the laundry mat...(dont get me started on that one!), but I didnt end up eating dinner since I got home around 10 so I guess it could have been worse. Usually in stressful times like this..Id eat everything in sight. Anything sweet, fatty, greasy, and salty! Not this time. I can work through this. Emotional eating...I got control over you. *sticks tongue out*

Okay my complaining is over. Time to remain positive. No matter what my situation is...I have to remember things really could be worse.


David said...

Hi Melissa,

First of all ... i have to warmly thank you for the august challenge. Our team's results so far are almost entirely yours and you certainly live up to the challenge so far !

David is going to leave the office early tonight and go bike a few hours before dinner tonight because he wants to be up to the challenge with better results by next wednesday !

Go F.A.T. Rookies !

David said...

Now, let me add that i warmly wish you a great and calmful weekend. Enjoy some comfort and some movies !

Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress and makes you sleep like a baby. Don't over do it, but hang in there !

Once again, have a great off-day !

Rob Tucker said...

Yikes, sounds like one of those weeks. The best part is that you're not getting sucked into the emotional eating part.

Just hang in there!

David said...

Hi Melissa,

Do you have any suggestions for our team name for the challenge ?

I have proposed "The Newcomers" but i want you to be ok with that or go with something that you might prefer !


Rebecca said...

Hey Melissa...

I feel your pain on the second job. I'm sure that you will be successful in finding one that meets your requirements. But remember that paying your bills really is secondary to your health & wellbeing.

I read a lot, and you can check my blog for stuff I've read recently, most of which I'd recommend. Authors to check out: Jodi Picoult, Jacquelyn Mitchard, Wally Lamb...